Futuristic education model for developing thought leaders by leveraging collaborative open innovation SURYADATTA – AIMA BIZLAB - FIRST OF ITS KIND VIRTUAL LAB FOR MANAGEMENT STUDENTS
Business Gaming for Edutainment – Learn management concepts the fun way !

Suryadatta - AIMA BizLab High level View:

Boost your employability quotient with practical and powerful BizLab learning experience.:
- Students “experiment”with various management strategies and tactics on a given scenario.
- Specifically designed keeping the learning habits of the new generation of students
- Develops Cross functional orientation
- Provides an unparalleled learning experience.
- Student Leader-board to acknowledge the achievers at the institute level
- Hall of Fame to know where you stand on the national level
Suryadatta - AIMA BizLab - Powered by Artificial Intelligence:

- The virtual competitors in AIMA BizLab possesses Artificial Intelligence
- 10,000+ actual human response mapped to various situations used for creating AI bots
- The bots modify the decision based on participant strategy –so every game is different!
Suryadatta - AIMA BizLab - Experiment Modes: Multiple ways to run experiment that compliment each other to enhance the ultimate learning experience of students.
- Run in Workshops:Students are divided into teams and each team has to manage a company. They compete against each other in a dynamic simulated market.
- Use to Evaluate:This is used to assess students’ Students play against AI bots. Faculty receives consolidated performance report.
For Practice:This is for students to practice and learn on their own by competing against the AI bots.

Suryadatta - AIMA BizLab – Builds Cross functional expertise: